Well, it has been 10 months since I finished University, and I was having a bit of a dilemma - mainly, what the heck do I do now?! I thought that by taking some time off and working some part-time jobs that I would have the time to work out what I want to do. It didn't quite work out like that.

I ended up working a lot, and spending all of my free time visiting friends and family, and no time thinking about what to do. So I quit my job. 

Now, this may seem foolish, and for the first few weeks after handing in my notice, I agreed. I couldn't decide on anything I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I felt that I HAD to use my degree, but nothing that directly involved my degree appealed. I thought "well, how about a graduate scheme? It doesn't take too long, and there is almost always a job at the end of it!"

So, I started trawling through graduate schemes, with no joy. I really didn't want to relocate, and this seemed to be a necessity. I also didn't want to work in an office, Monday to Friday, 9-5. I knew that I would lose the plot after a while, and would most likely have to be forcibly removed from the office after having a nervous breakdown and making a fort out of my desk and some spinny chairs.  

Yet again, I was at the point of despair, having no idea what to do with my life. I applied for jobs to get an income in the meantime, but there isn't much in North Berwick, and the jobs in Edinburgh were mostly low hours split across multiple days which would rack up train fares.

Now, I know what you are thinking here: "is there a point to this, and will it become obvious anytime soon? I have more important things to do than read the ramblings of a 25 year old graduate who is in crisis!"

The answer to this is, yes, there is a point, and here it is!

I have decided to start my own business!

Yes, you read right. I have decided to bake gluten and dairy free goodies and sell these to the lovely people out there in the real world! There are many cafes in North Berwick and the surrounding areas, and I know from working in one that they tend to buy in their gluten and dairy free goods from big manufacturers, and I don't see why they shouldn't buy home made from me. 

So, that's basically what has been going on so far, and I intend to update this blog with the process of setting up the business, and how things are getting along.

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this! I hope you join me in this journey, and I hope is enjoyable for both myself and anyone reading this!

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