Hi everyone, this is my last post of the day, sorry if you are getting sick of me already!

So today I have managed to source some great things for the business for good prices. I have bought some nice red boxes for my sample packs, as well as red and white polka dot cases. Got some gluten free flour for a discounted price from Amazon, and there was an offer on Pure Dairy Free Sunflower Spread at Tesco with 2 for £2, so I bought a load of that. 
I also got a cheap Pay as You Go mobile to use just for the business. This is for two reasons: I don't want everyone to know my personal number, and it means every time that phone rings I can answer it "Rockin' Robyn's, how can I help?" as opposed to "What do you want?" :D

It might seem a bit excessive, but, at the end of the day, if I have no ingredients I can't make sample packs, and if I don't look professional, cafes and other people may not want to buy from me. At least, that's what I'm telling myself!

As much as I like shopping, I have to keep telling myself that it's ok to be buying these things, as I actually need them!

On another topic, I have baked a basic batch of cupcakes today and I will ice them when I have time tomorrow. I did this so that I could work how how much it costs to make them and then I can put this in my business plan so I can can price them for sale. At one point, Aled and Pru switched off all of the sockets and lights in the house, just so we could look at the meter and work out how much electricity it uses! It felt really stupid, but it worked!

I have an appointment with Alastair at Business Gateway on Thursday to go through my business plan. So far, this has been the part that I have had the most difficulty with. I am going to spend as much time tomorrow as I can going through and filling it in. It's great that the Business Gateway service is available and so helpful!

So basically, that's what's been going on today! Hope you are all still with me, and not asleep, drooling steadily onto your keyboard. If so, WAKE UP! :D

Just kidding

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