Well, I never expected that starting a business would be easy, but it seems like there are so many hoops to jump through! I'm not saying they aren't necessary, but they ARE confusing!

Last week I went to Business Gateway, and had a meeting with a nice chap who gave me lots of information about things I need to do. At the time I didn't feel so scared and confused, but now as I sit down to do everything, there seems to be so much!

I have now filled in the form to register my business with the Council, and that will be posted off today. I am proposing my business opening date as the 18th of May this year, so not long! 

This will then lead to an inspection of the kitchen in the house, just to make sure it's suitable for the purpose. I had a look at some publications from the Food Standards Agency, which gave guidelines about food production premises. However, I found a line which said that if the business is in a home, some guidelines don't apply. I thought, "great, maybe it wont be so complicated!" That was until I realised there was nothing saying which ones DID apply. So, yeah, that's confusing!

I have also been looking into grants etc., because even though I have most of my equipment, I still need something to pay myself wages and to buy ingredients. I found one which said that the grant cannot be used for things such as new equipment, goods or wages. Helpful.

So at this rate, it looks like a loan is in order. Not a great start. So basically, I feel a bit lost. Guess it's time to meet up with the Business Gateway guy again!

Robyn x
Kathleen Campbell
14/4/2013 11:06:38 pm

I may be a bit biased as I am Robyn's Aunt and possibly one of her worst critics - I am not gluten or dairy free but have been used a a tester on many occasions not least of all with last batch of cherry
bake well cupcakes and I can honestly say that they were excellent and they taste great so even if you are not gluten or dairy free don't
be afraid to have a go

15/4/2013 03:18:22 am


So happy to have come across your blog at the beginning of your new adventure. Good on you for jumping in and doing something you will be great at.

I am looking forward to following your honest posts and will use them as a case study in class if that's ok.

Good luck and happy baking!

Alan Hamilton

15/4/2013 04:33:27 am

Hi Alan!

I'm glad you found my blog! I was just wondering, how did you find it? Also, what kind of course are you doing and where are you from?

Glad to hear from you!


15/4/2013 04:49:00 am

Simon Cleary posted about it on his twitter. Will use your posts with my S3 Business class if that's ok.

If I had signed off 'Mr Hamilton' would that have helped!!

Mr Hamilton
Stirling High
6D1 (2005)

Robyn Gillespie
15/4/2013 04:53:30 am

Indeed it does help, Mr. Hamilton!

That's no problem at all, I just hope it doesn't go down in flames!! That would be a bit embarrassing!


15/4/2013 04:56:05 am

I have faith! Good luck!



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