Well today has been eventful so far. I went along to an information session with someone from the Princes Trust which is now known as Youth Business Scotland. She gave me lots of information about low interest rate loans, grants and the funding process.

Basically, what happens is you apply for funding (either a loan or a grant). This is then passed on to a manager. She then goes through things with you and looks at your business plan. You then go to a funding panel (which kind of sounds like Dragon's Den, but I was reassured it really isn't), and they ask you questions and stuff, and then make a decision. The great thing about it is you will never be sent to the panel if there is something glaringly wrong with your plan!

So, I inquired about the grant. I wont bore you with the details, but the point is I will be able to get a grant of £250 without my business plan, just to get things going, and then I can choose to apply for the further grant of up to £750. 

I am so happy about this, because I was starting to worry about where the money for ingredients and boxes for my sample packs was going to come from!

The day isn't over yet, but this is just a quick update about what's going on!

Robyn x

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