I am really starting to hate meetings! I had to go to the Job Centre today. I had a meeting to sign on for Job Seekers Allowance, because apparently you have to be signed on before you can claim the New Enterprise Allowance. It was all pretty confusing, to be honest. It seems like it is really hard to get information out of people over the phone or on the website, so I was already confused and had filled in the form wrong before I even got there! So now I am signed on, waiting for a decision as to whether I can get the NEA or not, and in the meantime I have to be searching and applying for jobs, even though I am trying to start my own business! It's driving me insane!

Anyway, on the bright side, I emailed Rosie from the Princes Trust about my Will It Work grant. She emailed back to say that she had received my form and it has been approved! I should get my cheque in a couple of weeks, which is great! Just in time to make my sample packs!

So basically, that's what's been going on in the past few days. Boring, I know, but this seems to be what it's like setting up your own business. 

Hopefully I will have some pictures of more cakes for you soon!

Robyn x

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