Well, I suppose that a lot of people have a panic regarding money when they are starting a business. I'm only glad that I am probably not alone.

I got in contact with the Job Centre today. I was inquiring about the New Enterprise Allowance, which basically means that if you are unemployed and starting a new business, then they will fund you £66 for the first 16 weeks and then £33 for the next 16 weeks. I thought I would apply for it when I had spent some of my savings, so today I phoned them to find out about getting an appointment to sort it out. 

First phone call was a disaster! The guy I spoke to sounded like a hillbilly and just said, VERY slowly, "You need to apply online, got to www.gov.uk. Bye." So that was that. Went onto that website and found nothing about the allowance. So I phoned back. Second phone call resulted in the woman saying "Oh you need to be on benefits to get that, I will put you through to your local job centre." I was then put on hold and the call was cut off. Great. Third phone call seemed better. Finally got through to the job centre and was told I would be called back.

So I got the call back. Now, wait for this. Apparently, to claim this allowance, you need to be already claiming benefits. I was told to apply for Job Seekers Allowance. The reason I have not applied for this is that I left my job voluntarily. Basically I have to apply for it, which will then allow me to get an appointment at the job centre where I can discuss the New Enterprise Allowance. Complicated? Seems that way!

So today I have felt all spun in a circle and worrying about money :( It makes me realise why people are scared of starting a business!

On the bright side, I made a basic butter icing for my test cakes, and used my snazzy new decorating syringe thingy to make them look pretty, and work out a basic icing recipe. Here's a picture!
So these made me happier, even though I am poor and unemployed! Also, Aled's mum and dad helped me with my business plan, which I will take to Alastair tomorrow. At the moment it feels like an uphill struggle, but I hope that, soon, I will get there!

Thanks for listening to my ramblings!

Robyn x

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